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Summer 2024

A new video from a song previously recorded can be seen here: Worker by Paul Poulton

I've also been writing a couple of new songs: "That's What People Do" and ​"Money". I'm hoping to get into the studio to start recording them.

Spring 2024

The latest album ‘The Return’ chronicles the state of affairs as we move closer to the end of the age.

Chris Smith played a crucial role on bass and keyboards, and engineering.

Nic Burrows played drums with his customary flair and creativity.

Jeannie sang backing vocals, fitting snuggly into the songs' grooves.

I wrote all but one of the nine songs. The album is now available to listen to on all the main music players.

Here's the YouTube link The Return YouTube Music

Here's the Spotify link The Return Spotify

Winter 2023/24

The recording sessions for the new album "The Return" are going well. Nic Burrows is on drums and has been laying down some excellent grooves:

Chris Smith has been playing bass and keyboards, with fine creativity and panache.

Jeannie has been singing some stratospheric backing vocals, layer after layer. And I have been playing the guitar parts, and lead vocals. The songs focus of the return of Christ. The release date is late February maybe early March.

Summer 2023

I wrote a song called "It's Gone Well Past That", you can see the video of it here

"It's Gone Well Past That"

Also "Can't Get That Stuff No More" is the title of an old blues song. Larry Norman added a few lyrics to it and I've added a few more.

"Can't Get That Stuff No More"

These songs are all on the same channel. Here's another one that's been updated slightly.

"Don't Waste Your Life"

We are living in important days, let's stay focused and remember that "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever” (Isaiah 40:8).

Grace and peace, Paul

Spring 2023

I was thinking back recently to a time in 2001 when singer/songwriter Larry Norman and I prayed together before a concert we were performing at. Larry was a man who had the touch of God's Spirit upon him and in him. After the prayer Larry said that as I prayed thoughts of Adam in the garden came to him. Larry had recorded a famous album "So Long Ago The Garden" and in his concerts would sometimes talk about the way we'd left the simplicity of God's original intention for humanity. So hearing him inspired by a prayer I'd prayed was interesting. I can't remember exactly what I prayed but we know that God's Spirit moves in ways we can't always fathom.

It was only after I'd written books about Adam in the Garden and the story of Genesis that I remembered what Larry had said to me. Somehow he saw what God had put within me, even though I hadn't seen it myself at that time.

Larry's music continues to make an impact on the world. "God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh" (Heb 11:4).

Presently I am still working hard with Living Stones - Church on the internet. Some of the Zoom meetings and Bible Studies have been inspiring.

The Lord is at work in the world in a special way and many people can feel that forthcoming events are casting their shadow on the days that we're living in.

Larry Norman

Autumn/Winter 2022

Creating content for "Living Stones - Church on the internet" has been my main focus. The Lord has been doing some good work among us, please feel free to join us in our various places of meeting: Zoom, YouTube, Facebook Group etc.

I've been teaching a short series on the second advent of Jesus you can see some of the videos here Revelation 6 - 8

I've also managed to keep moving forward with song writing. "Don't Touch That Dial" is a recent song, I've been unable to get into the studio to record a nice fat version of it. But maybe that opportunity will present itself at some point.

There's also plenty of music happening in the live videos too.

"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever" (Psalm 106:1).

Summer 2022

Back in 1981 the album “Saints Alive” was released, a recording that made an immediate impact and continues to do so.

The 10 tracks were the basis of a musical by Roger Jones. Many live performances of the musical have ensued since then. The narrative speaks of Christ’s disciples - ordinary men who were filled with power on the day of Pentecost.

I had the privilege of playing guitar on the album, along with some excellent musicians.

Saints Alive has now been revised, and had an extra track added. The updated version will be released soon. The day of Pentecost this year is June 5th and that week there will be a launch of the new recording.

Roger has kindly asked me to play guitar at the launch, I’m unable to do so, but I do love the message of the album. The power of the Holy Spirit enables us to move forward in strength.
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

I've been doing live videos Sundays and Wednesdays on Living Stones - church on the internet - facebook group. Please feel free to join.

I've done a series of videos called "Aspects of Abraham" - Teaching on the life and times of Abraham. They are on YouTube here Aspects of Abraham

I'm not touring at the moment. I've had a number requests to do live work, but I've not done any yet.

Spring 2022

I came across this promotional flyer for the Chapel Lane record company from around 1997. Rob Ash's fine album Blue Steel is on there. Plus Soothing Saul and some Olly albums.

Chapel Lane had their own first class studio which was used by some excellent musicians.

The sad news I heard last week is that proprietor of Chapel Lane, Rob Andrews, died.

Rob was unique, he was humble and immediately made you feel at ease in his presence. He was a man with vision, a hard working man who quietly got on with the work he had been given.

So many people were encouraged and blessed by Rob's work without ever realising who Rob was. His vision to release music that glorified Christ into the world was realised by many artists and bands who recorded for Chapel Lane. Larry Norman, worked with Rob. Also Bryn Haworth, Shelia Walsh, Alwyn Wall and many others who became familiar names.

When I recorded there Rob never put time restrictions on my time in the studio. Artist Rob Ash, who recorded and engineered there said, Chapel Lane was "My favourite place to record, great memories of some great people".

Rob Andrews' work reached out across the world and still does because music recorded there is now on Spotify and other music platforms.

Rob Andrews was inspirational his work reached out and touched people around the world. Rob followed the course that God had planned for him.

We all have work to do and an allotted time in which to accomplish what God has sent us to do. For the time comes when we can not work: Rob followed in the footsteps of Jesus who said, "As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." (John 9:4).

Rob Andrews is an inspiration to us.